Part B 16
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MP3 – SoundCloud
- C – to highlight a shortage of expertise
音声の大部分では、学校の看護経験について語っているのでBを選択してしまいがちだが、この音声で最も伝えたい要点は最後の逆説 ”but” 以下の部分である。
つまり「I’ve really felt like I did not have all of the answers that I personally felt like I needed, or I felt like I needed a little more training:自分が必要だと思う解決策を持っていない、トレーニングが必要だと感じている」ということから、自身の専門知識が足りていなことを表しているのでCが正解となる。
Nurse: | I’ve been a nurse for about 11 years now. I started off in cardiac (care), which I loved, but I was working nights and I wasn’t in love with that.
And then after that, the school where my kids go to (school) opened up and so I was a school nurse for several years. And during that time I just felt like I had a lot of kiddos coming to me with, just a variety of issues that were more behavioral issues, such as they were maybe harming themselves in some way, or maybe having some really big anger issues that they did not really know how to cope with or deal with. And I would try to help them as best as I could and get them some community support. But I’ve really felt like I did not have all of the answers that I personally felt like I needed, or I felt like I needed a little more training, so I ended up leaving the school… |