Part B 19
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Exercise 2
- Mr. Teagan has suffered suspected second-degree burns from boiling oil to the back of both hands and forearms.
ディーガンさんは両手の甲と腕に熱した油によるⅡ度熱傷の疑いがある - My colleague has managed to administer oxygen and gave 2.5 milligrams of Morphine, but that was as far as he got as Mr. Teagan continued to put up quite a struggle on the route, which is something you’ll need to consider before any further treatment.
Exercise 3
- A – try to settle the patient.
Bは「They also managed to contact his wife who’s on her way:奥様に連絡することができた」と述べていることから既に対応済みの行動であることが分かるので除外。
Aは「which is something you’ll need to consider before any further treatment:今後の治療の前に考慮する必要がある」と述べており、前文から患者がひどく取り乱していることが分かる。
Doctor: | Mr. Teagan has suffered suspected second-degree burns from boiling oil to the back of both hands and forearms.
He works as an apprentice chef and was lifting a pot of oil when he slipped, inadvertently scalding himself. Apparently he panicked and his co-workers were forced to hold his arms under cool running water until we arrived at the scene. They also managed to contact his wife, who’s on her way. You may appreciate her assistance as he’s very distressed and obviously frightened. My colleague has managed to administer oxygen and gave 2.5 milligrams of Morphine, but that was as far as he got as Mr. Teagan continued to put up quite a struggle on (the) route, which is something you’ll need to consider before any further treatment. Pain is well controlled at present. |