Part B 04
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Exercise 2
- (1) Australian Stuttering Research CenterのMark Onslow氏は、スピーチセラピストは自然回復の理解ために子どもを約6ヶ月間、しかしそれよりも短い期間で観察するべきであると推奨している。
- (2) もし、社会的な関わりやその他の社会生活に支障をきたすようなことがあれば、6ヶ月よりも早く対処した方がいいでしょう。
Exercise 3
- B – approximately 6 months from observation of the disorder.
設問では「How long must pass before a thorough diagnosis:本格的な診断までどれくらいの期間経っているべきか」とあるので、設問により適した選択肢を選ぶ。
Bは「a speech therapist should monitor a child for science of natural recovery for about six months, but no longer:科学的自然療法で約6ヶ月間検査するべきである」とあるので最も設問と関連性が高く正解。
Doctor: | Today, I am answering a question about preschool stuttering.
So, how long do we wait? Well, Mark Onslow of the Australian Stuttering Research Center recommends that a speech therapist should monitor a child for a science of natural recovery for about six months, but no longer. So, that’s his recommendation. He also explains that there are other reasons that you may want to begin therapy sooner. And that would be… if the child becomes distressed about the stuttering, you want to go ahead and address it at that point because psychological damage could start to happen: also, if the stuttering is causing social problems or psychological issues. So if it’s interfering with social interactions or any of that kind of stuff, you’ll definitely want to go ahead and address it sooner than that six months. So that being said, what do we do? How do we go about fixing stuttering in preschoolers? Well, although there have been many different types of stuttering therapy over the years, there was a systematic review in 2006 by Booth and all of his or her associates… I can’t remember if that’s a woman or a man. And that study found that the response contingency approach was the most effective treatment for children who stutter. So if you would like to find out more about the response contingency approach, you can click on this link down here, it should be in the show notes right below this video. It’s, with dashes in between all of that. So just go down there and click the link. And that will take you to my page all about response contingency stuttering therapy. And there’s a video that explains it and demonstrates it. So, head on over there and check that out. If you have any further questions, please leave those below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks so much and have a great day |