Part B 05
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Exercise 2
- 全エネルギーの5%以下に削減することで、健康面でもよりメリットがある
Exercise 3
- A – Reduction in determination of ill health
設問では「What does the expert call for:専門家は何を求めているか」とあるので、設問により適した選択肢を選ぶ。
A「Reduction in determination of ill health:不健康の決定(不健康にする因子)の削減」は3つあるRecommendationの全てで言及しているため A が正解。
Cは「If you remove the risk factors, then a lot of those deaths can be preventable:リスク因子を取り除けば、これらの死を予防可能だろう」とあるが、専門家が求めていることではなくこれまで述べてきた内容の大まかなまとめなので除外する。
Doctor: | The new draft recommendations make three points.
The first point is that WHO recommends a reduced intake of free sugars throughout the life course. The second recommendation is that intake of free sugars in both adults and children should not exceed 10% of total energy intake. But we also make a third recommendation and that is that a further reduction to less than 5% of total energy gives additional health benefits. We know that dietary risk factors are very important factors for the risk of noncommunicable disease. We have an epidemic of noncommunicable diseases. We have at the moment 36 million people dying from noncommunicable diseases, most of them in the developing world, 80%. We have a projection of 50 million for 2030, so it’s huge. And dietary risk factors as well as tobacco are one of the main determinants of those diseases. If you remove the risk factors, then a lot of those deaths can be preventable. |