Part B 06
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Exercise 2
- てんかんを患っている女性は、出産中に帝王切開や、出産後期の出血、子宮伸縮、早産になるリスクは高くない。
Exercise 3
- A. Associated risks with delivery are unlikely
Cは「if a woman is seizure-free for a period of time:一定期間発作が起きなければ」という条件があるので普遍的な事実ではない。
Aは「Women with epilepsy are not at a substantially increased risk of having to have a C-section during their delivery, late pregnancy bleeding or premature contractions or delivery. 」の部分を包括的にパラフレーズしていると考えられるのでAが正解。
Doctor: | Overall, what we found were some very reassuring things for physicians caring for women with epilepsy and for women with epilepsy who are planning to become pregnant because what we found is counter to previous dogma, I think.
Women with epilepsy are not at a substantially increased risk of having to have a C-section during their delivery, late pregnancy bleeding or premature contractions or delivery. Also, the findings strongly support that if a woman is seizure-free for a period of time, nine-months to one-year prior to becoming pregnant, it’s very likely that she will continue to remain seizure-free throughout the pregnancy. So, this is very reassuring information to women and their physicians as they plan going ahead with pregnancy. |