Implication of False Belief Experiments
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14. G – Harris
_____ gave an alternative explanation that children may not be understanding other’s beliefs.
「_____ は、子どもたちが他人の信念を理解していないのではないかという別の説明をしました。」
- A different explanation has been put forward by Harris. (…). Thus success on false belief tasks can be explained by children trying to imagine what they would do if they were a character in the stories, rather than children being able to appreciate the beliefs of other people.
Q14の主旨は、「子どもは他人の信念を理解していないのではないか」ということです。 Harrisの同様の説明は、H段落にあ り、子どもは他人の信念を理解するよりも、自分ならどうするかを想像しようとするとあります。
15. F – Schatz
_____ found that children under certain age can tell difference between reality and mentality.
- Schatz studied the spontaneous speech of three-year-olds and found that these children used mental terms and used them in circumstances where there was a contrast between, for example, not being sure where an object was located and finding it, or between pretending and reality. Thus the social abilities of children indicate that they are aware of the difference between mental states and external reality at ages younger than four.
Q15のキーワードは、 “age”, “difference”, “reality”and “mentality”です。 G段落には、Schatzが「子どもは4歳未満でも心的 状態と外的現実の違いを理解している」と結論づけていることが書かれています。
16. C – Wimmer and Pemer
_____ conducted a well-known experiment and drew the conclusion that young children were unable to comprehend the real state.
「_____は、よく知られている実験を行い、幼い子供は現実の状態を理解することがで きないという結論を導き出した」
- Wimmer and Perner devised a ‘false belief task’ to address this question. The incorrect answers indicated that the younger children did not understand that Maxi’s beliefs and representations no longer matched the actual state of the world, and they failed to appreciate that Maxi will act on the basis of his beliefs rather than the way that the world is actually organised.
Q15のキーワードは、are “young children”, “comprehend” and “real state of the world”です。 B段落から、Wimmer and Pemerの実験結果から、低学年の子どもたちは、マキシの信念や表象が世界の実際の状態と一致しなくなったことを理解し ていないことが推測されます。
17. D – Lewis
_____ found that children who get along with adults often comparatively got through the test more easily.
- Lewis investigated older children living in extended families in Crete and Cyprus. They found that children who socially interact with more adults who have more friends and who have more older siblings tend to pass TOM tasks at a slightly earlier age than other children.
Q17のキーワードは、are “get along with”, “adults”, “got through” ,“test”です。 F段落では、Lewisが年長の子供を調査した 結果、より多くの大人と社会的に交流する(=仲良くする)人はTOMタスクに合格する傾向があることを発見したことが推測 されています。
18. A – Baron-Cohen
_____ revised an easier experiment to rule out the possibility that children might be influenced by sophisticated reasoning.
「_____ は、子どもが洗練された推論に影響される可能性を排除するために、より簡単 な実験を修正しました。」
- A simpler version of the Maxi task was devised by Baron-Cohen to take account of criticisms that younger children may have been affected by the complexity and too much information of the story in the task described above.
Q18のキーワードは、“influenced” and “sophisticated reasoning”です。 C段落から、Baron-Cohenの実験は、複雑で多すぎ る情報(=sophisticated )によって低年齢の子供が影響を受ける(=influenced)可能性があるという批判を排除したと推察 できます。
19. B – Meins
_____ related social factors such as mother-child communication to capability act in TOM.
「______ は、TOMでの能力発揮には、母子のコミュニケーションなどの社会的要因が関係している」
Meins and her colleagues have found that what they term mind mindedness in maternal speech to six-month old infants is related to both security of attachment and to TOM abilities.
Q19のキーワードは、is “mother-child communication”, “capability” “TOM”です。 E段落からは、Meinsが母親の話し方(= mother-child communication)の心の持ち方が、愛着の安心感やTOMの能力(=capability)と関係していることを発見した ことがわかります。
20. E – Dunn
_____ explained children are less likely to tell something interactive to their mother than to their friends.
- Furthermore, because young children are more likely to talk about their thoughts and feelings with peers than with their mothers, peer interaction may provide a special impetus to the development of a TOM. A similar point has been made by Dunn, (…)
Q20のキーワードは、 “likely”, “interactive”, “mothers” “friends”です。 F段落からは、Dunnが「子どもは母親よりも仲間(= friends)に自分の考えや気持ちを話しやすい」という説明で同様の指摘をしていたことが推察されます。
21. chocolate
- Wimmer and Perner devised a ‘false belief task’ to address this question. They used some toys to act out the following story. Maxi left some chocolate in a blue cupboard before he went out. When he was away his mother moved the chocolate to a green cupboard. Children were asked to predict where Maxi will look for his chocolate when he returns.
Q21のキーワードは“a boy” と“location”.です。 B段落では、Wimmer and Perner の実験では、Maxi (男の子)がチョコレー トを探す場所を子どもたちに予測させていることがわかります。
22. information
- A simpler version of the Maxi task was devised by Baron-Cohen to take account of criticisms that younger children may have been affected by the complexity and too much information of the story in the task described above.
Q22のキーワードは“excessive”です。 C段落では、実験の情報量が多すぎた(=excessive_ことが推測されます。
23. four / 4
- The results of research using false-belief tasks have been fairly consistent: most normally-developing children are unable to pass the tasks until around age four.
Q23のキーワードはare “pass the test” と “age” です。C段落では、子供は4歳頃まではタスクをパスすることができないと 書かれています。言い換えれば、子どもたちは4歳でテストに合格したということです。
24. older
- Lewis investigated older children living in extended families in Crete and Cyprus.
Q24のキーワードは、“Lewis”, “Dunn”, “children” と “certain place”です。 Fの段落では、ルイスがクレタ島とキプロス島で大家族の中で暮らす「older 」の子供たちを調査したことがわかります。
25. adults
- They found that children who sociallyinteract with more adults who have more friends and who have more older siblings tend to pass TOM tasks at a slightly earlier age than other children.
Q25のキーワードは “interaction “と “better performance “です。 F段落では、より多くの大人と社会的に交流する子供は TOMタスクをパスする傾向があると記述されています。
26. challenging
- (…) that peer interaction is more likely to contain pretend play and that it is likely to be more challenging because other children, unlike adults, do not make large adaptations to the communicative needs of other children.
Q26のキーワードは“peer interaction” と “pretending elements”です。 パラグラフFでは、ピア・インタラクションにはふり遊びが含まれる可能性が高く、より「challenging」なものになる可能性が高 いと述べられています。