2. Inference Questions
まずは、Inference Questionsを実際に解いてみて、どのような問題傾向か確認していきましょう:
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- 1. What does the professor imply when she says this: “New theories have been posed that suggest humans were having an effect well before that.”
- A. Theorists are still unaware of some of the effects of human activities.
B. Technology of the 1970s was not sophisticated enough to detect the earliest stages of an ice age.
C. Scientists in the 1970s overestimated the speed at which ice ages progress.
D. Theorists sometimes make careless predictions.
- A
Professor: | The agriculture revolution started, as far back as 11 thousand years ago, cutting down forests to create farmland, and encouraging domesticated animals to forage and create large herds. People would farm their food, instead of hunting for it, and would settle down into one spot instead of roaming nomadically. Settling down in an area can have a huge impact on the local environment. |
Scientists have begun to see the agriculture revolution as the kickstarter for the recent shift in climate cycle. New theories have been posed that suggest humans were having an effect well before that. Still, if you cut down trees, burn the forests for fuels, release the carbon smoke into the air, and don’t replace those forests with more trees elsewhere, you end up with a lot more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere instead of being stored within trees. |
Inference Questions の解き方
Inference Questionsは、レクチャーにおいて指定されたセンテンスがどのようなことを意図(または示唆)しているのかを見極める問題です。
- What are the implications of ~?
- What does the professor imply ~?
- What can be inferred ~?
- A. Theorists are still unaware of some of the effects of human activities.
「理論家はまだ人間の活動の影響のにまだ気づいていない」 - B. Technology of the 1970s was not sophisticated enough to detect the earliest stages of an ice age.
「1970年代の技術は氷河期の初期段階を見つけれるほど洗練されていなかった」 - C. Scientists in the 1970s overestimated the speed at which ice ages progress.
「1970年代の科学者は氷河期が進む早さを過剰評価していた」 - D. Theorists sometimes make careless predictions.
「科学者は農業革命を気候変動の始まりと見なし始めている」というセンテンスの後に、”New theories have been posed that suggest humans were having an effect well before that.”「その前から人間が影響を与えていたとする新しい理論もある」と述べられています。
- Inference Questionsは表現の裏にある意図を理解する問題
- 答えは直接的な情報ではなく、表現から読み取れる話し手の意図や解釈
- 日本語に訳してもしっくりこない文章があれば、その役割を考えてみると良い