2. Reference Questions
まずは、実際のReference Questionsが、どのような問題形式か取り組んでみましょう:
- Passage:
- A huge loss of life resulted from the introduction of Old World diseases into the Americas in the early sixteenth century . The inhabitants of the Americas were separated from Asia, Africa, and Europe by rising oceans following Ice Ages. They were isolated by means of this watery barrier from numerous virulent epidemic diseases that had developed across the ocean, such as measles, smallpox, pneumonia and malaria. Pre-Columbian Americans had a relatively disease-free environment but also lacked that antibodies needed to protect them from bacteria and viruses brought to America by European explorers and colonists.
- Question:
- 1. The word “They” in the passage refers to:
- A. The inhabitants
B. Epidemic diseases
C. Rising oceans
D. The ice ages
- A – The inhabitants
Reference Questions の解き方
Reference Questionsは、文中に出てくる代名詞が何を指しているかを判断する問題です。Vocabulary Questionsと同様に、パッセージを読む必要はありませんが、指定された代名詞の前文を精読する必要があります。
- Reference Questionsは代名詞が示す語句を判断する問題
- 出題頻度は低い
- 代名詞の前文を精読することがポイント