Independent Writing – ③ 結論の書き方
エッセイの結論部分は、導入で述べたThesis Statementとボディで述べた主張を再度パラフレーズして書き出していきます。
書き出しは、以下のTransiton Wordsを用いてみましょう。
- all things considered
- as shown above
- in summary
- in conclusion
- to summarize
- overall
- to sum up
- in the end
例えば仮に導入部分で以下のようなThesis Statementを書き出したとします。
- In my opinion, an internet-based educational system is beneficial to students as they can spend more time on their studies.
- In conclusion, e-learning enables students to study in an effective and flexible way regardless of location and time. Additionally, they can save their living cost as they don’t have to live apart from their home. This is why I believe schools should promote computer-based learning more and more.