TOEFL Listening Practice: Conversation01
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Student: | Hi…is this the uh…employment center? |
Consultant: | That’s right. Come on in. |
Student: | Okay, thanks. |
Consultant: | So, what can I do for you? |
Student: | I was hoping to apply for a job. |
Consultant: | Well, this is the place for that! Do you know what kind of job you want? |
Student: | I do. I wanted to work in the child care center. Do you know if they have any spots open? |
Consultant: | Yes, I believe child care center has a number of openings. |
Student: | Oh, cool. So I can apply right here? |
Consultant: | Absolutely. I do have a bit of advice for you first, though. They aren’t well-paying jobs, so you should be aware of that heading in. |
Student: | Hmm…well that’s kinda what I figured. I’d like to get paid more. But getting paid some is more than getting paid nothing, which is what I’m doing right now. |
Consultant: | They do, however, provide hands-on experience that will be beneficial to your career, helping you to get better paying jobs in the future. |
Student: | That makes things better at least. The experience will be good for me, essential even. I don’t have any yet so I’ve been looking for a chance to get some. |
Consultant: | Alright. So, you understand about the job and it sounds like the best path for you given your current situation. Are you still interested in applying? |
Student: | Yeah, I am. I’d like to apply for this job. What do I need to do? |
Consultant: | Well, first, there is a bit of information that I need to tell you. The current open positions are for a day-time job in the child care center and you will need to take a night class in order to qualify. |
Student: | Really? Things just keep piling up. Low pay, and I have to take a class…I didn’t expect that. |
Consultant: | A lot of students don’t realize it, but classes frequently go hand-in-hand with on-campus jobs. And you can think of it as an additional opportunity for experience and enhancing your education. |
Student: | Yeah…and like I said, I do need this experience so I guess I’ll do what I have to. |
Consultant: | Wonderful. So the thing you need to do now is fill out an online job application form. |
Student: | Okay, that will be easy. |
Consultant: | It certainly should be. So just head to the university’s career center, and when filling out the form, be sure to indicate in whitch position you’re most interested and the skills you have to succeed in that position. |
Student: | Got it. |
Consultant: | Alright, good luck, then! If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to come back in to see me. |
Student: | Will do. Thanks again! |