TOEFL Listening Practice: Conversation14
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Student: | Professor, do you have a bit of time? I’d like to talk to you about the courses I need to take next semester. |
Professor: | Sure, Anna. What did you have in mind? |
Student: | Well, I’m not entirely sure of what to take… |
Professor: | Alright, so I can give you some suggestions. What about art history? |
Student: | Yeah…I kinda thought about that one before. I mean, I like art history, but I think it might be too comprehensive. |
Professor: | How so? |
Student: | Well, I don’t want one big overview of a bunch of things, I really just want to learn more about Greek mythology. |
Professor: | I see. Well, in that case you could consider an Interdisciplinary Program. |
Student: | How would that help? |
Professor: | In an interdisciplinary program, you would be working within various different disciplines in order to learn a lot about one topic. So you could learn about ancient Greek art and also literature. |
Student: | Oh, okay! That’s really cool! So like, instead of just learning a lot about art, and about art that isn’t even in my interest, I would learn specifically about ancient Greek art and ancient Greek literature and it would all go together so I’d be learning about ancient Greek mythology as a whole? |
Professor: | Yes. Given what you’ve said, I do think it would be the best option. You would probably need to learn Latin, though. |
Student: | Like, as a language? |
Professor: | Yes. A lot of old texts are in Latin, and so by learning it you’ll improve your ability to do your own research. |
Student: | Latin is supposed to be pretty tough, right? |
Professor: | A lot of students do consider it difficult. And the interdisciplinary program itself can be a bit more challenging; because of its intense focus, it does demand a lot. |
Student: | It is really what I want to be doing though, so I think I can rise to the challenge! Besides, I learned some Latin in high school. |
Professor: | Good. You do seem very capable, and it’s always easier for students to do well when they’re genuinely interested in the subject matter. |
Student: | Great! I’m excited for this program! It sounds exactly like what I’ve always wanted. |
Professor: | Well, I’m glad I was able to be so helpful. |
Student: | Me too! Thanks. |
Professor: | No problem. Good luck with the rest of your college career. |