ADM | admission / admitted |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
AMA | against medical advice |
A&W | alive and well |
BMI | body mass index |
C | Celsius, centigrade |
C/O | complains of |
D.C | discontinue / discharge |
DO | disorder |
DOA | dead on arrival, date of admission |
EDC | estimated date of confinement |
EDD | estimated delivery date |
ER | emergency room |
F | Fahrenheit |
H&P | history and physical examination |
HPI | history of present illness |
H/O | history of |
ICU | intensive care unit |
IP | inpatient |
MVA | motor vehicle accident |
P | pulse |
Post-op | postoperative, after surgery |
Pre-op | preoperative, before surgery |
PA/PT | patient |
RBC | red blood cell |
SX | symptoms |
T | temperature |
VS | vital signs |
VSS | vital signs stable |
A&O | alert and oriented |
AOB | alcohol on breath |
BM | bowel movement |
BP | blood pressure |
C/F | chills/fever |
CP | chest pain |
Dx | diagnosis |
EBL | estimated blood loss |
GSW | gunshot wound |
HA | headache |
Hb | hemoglobin |
HR | heart rate |
LBP | lower back pain |
SOB | shortness of breath |
TBI | traumatic brain injury |
UO | urine output |
ADHD | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency disorder |
CA | cancer |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
CF | cystic fibrosis |
CV | cardiovascular |
GI | gastrointestinal |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HDV | hepatitis D virus |
HTN | hypertension |
TB | tuberculosis |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
BAL | blood alcohol level |
BC | birth control |
CXR | chest x-ray |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
ECG | emergency cardiac arrest |
ECG/EKG | electrocardiogram |
FB | foreign body |
hs | hours of sleep |
I&D | incision and drainage |
I&O | intake and output |
IV | intravenous |
IUPC | intrauterine pressure catheter |
In vitro | In the laboratory |
In vivo | In the body |
KUB | kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray) |
PT | physical therapy |
UA | urinalysis |
US | ultrasound |