Part B 17
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Exercise 2
- あるアスリートが他のアスリートより優れるスポーツは常にありますが、マルチスポーツアスリートであり、さまざまな体の部分と異なる仕組みを使うことは健康的です。
Exercise 3
- C – must play in a variety of sports
医師が提唱をしていることを表す部分は「which is why we typically recommend for kids, “Hey, enjoy everything. Be involved in everything. Do a lot of different things.” :子どもに”いろいろなことをやりなさい”と勧めている」の部分で、この部分から何を伝えたいのかを読み解く必要がある。
また、続くセンテンスで逆説 but の後に「but it’s still healthy to be a multi-sport athlete and then use different body parts and different mechanisms. :さまざまな体の部位を使うことやさまざまなスポーツができるようにすることは健康である」と述べていることから、特定の部位の仕様を最小限にしたいのではなく、さまざまな運動を経験するべきであると述べていることが分かるのでCが正解。
Doctor: | It is true that athletes are specializing at a younger age than they did a decade or two decades ago.
And that does create overuse problems with doing the same repetitive motions year round, which is why we typically recommend for kids, “Hey, enjoy everything. Be involved in everything. Do a lot of different things.” There will always be sports that one athlete will excel more than another, but it’s still healthy to be a multi-sport athlete and then use different body parts and different mechanisms. When you’re growing and developing, that has a different impact on your body where you have open growth plates versus when you get older in those growth plates close. And if you’re doing the same repetitive activity in a specific area with open growth plates, you can have a problem there. |