発音応用03. 語頭の子音連続 [ 摩擦音 + r, l ]
1. 語頭の摩擦音に [ r ] や [ l ] が続く語
無声摩擦音 [ f ] [ s ] [ θ ] は語頭で [ r ] や [ l ] と連続して、日本語話者にとって馴染みのない音になります。
特に日本語話者にとって難しいのは 、[ s ] と [ θ ] が [ r ] と [ l ] に連続する時で、例えば [ slow ] や [ throw ] などが当てはまります。
まずは単純な例で「摩擦音 + [ r ] [ l ] 」の聴き分け練習を行いましょう:
- frock coat – flock master
- Don’t slow up – Don’t throw up
- Fulham Palace – Flamborough Head
- furrow slice – Froude
- Thorough – through
- Bill slipped and fell from the roof.
- Our plane flew through some frightening weather.
- I thought you would throw a slow ball.
- There are some loose threads hanging from your sleeve.
- It’s thrilling to see our flag flapping in the wind.
- My friend gave me this fresh fruit.
- The slum was threatened by the flames of the fire.
- Your slippers are on the floor by the front door.
- These frogs can thrive even in freezing weather.
- He frequently sleeps late on Fridays.
- I found many flaws in Frank’s sloppy work.
- Jim’s frustrated, so he threw a flower pot at me!