Part B 18
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Exercise 2
- B – by being versatile to the presenting process
Aは「 If they don’t happen to get the endotracheal tube in the right spot, he has a blue light that will light up in his mouth:気管内チューブが適切な場所に配置されない場合、青いライトが口の中で点灯します」とあるので言及していると考えられるが、その他の事例もあるので部分一致と考える。
Bは上記の「青いライトが光る」ことに加えて、「And then the mannequin responds to the drugs by either (you know) going to sleep or getting sleepy:薬に対して眠ったり、眠くなったりする」など、処置に応じて反応が複数あることが分かる。
Doctor: | This is one of our mannequins, the SimMan Essential.
He is capable of being a healthy patient. We can also program in variables on him that caused him to be (an) unhealthy patient as well because as we know, most of our patient population these days aren’t your typical healthy patient. So, when we bring the students into the room for the simulation, they are able to do an assessment of listening to heart and lungs on our mannequin. They can do a neurological evaluation of his eyes as well. Shortly thereafter (then), we go ahead and start the anesthetic procedure, so we start by giving him some oxygen by the mask. Obviously he’s still awake at this point in time. And then the students are expected to start the drug administration and I am on a computer in a different room able to program the drugs that the students are giving. And then the mannequin responds to the drugs by either (you know) going to sleep or getting sleepy, so that the students can carry on the procedure that has been outlined for them. What’s needed about these mannequins? We can mass ventilate them. We can put special airway devices in like an endotracheal tube. If they don’t happen to get the endotracheal tube in the right spot, he has a blue light that will light up in his mouth. That’s showing the patient is not getting enough oxygen. I’m on the control and I can make the heart rate and the blood pressure change, parameters as well. So it’s a learning experience for them. So they can identify maybe they didn’t put the endotracheal tube in the right place. He also has IV access so we can do IV practice on him. We can give the drugs through the IV. That’s typically how you do it in the anesthesia. |