OET Listening Practice Test – Extra03
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MP3 – SoundCloud
Answer Key
Part A – Extract 1
- cervical smear
- left side
- admitted to hospital
- laparoscopy
- behind womb
- acne
- diathermy
- intercourse
- 3 weeks ago
- serious illness
- children
- pain
Part A – Extract 2
- worn out
- alert and active
- navy
- making tea
- frustrated
- questions
- speaks
- dressing
- shave
- wander off
- day and night
- oven controls
Part B
- A
- C
- A
- B
- C
- B
Part C – Extract 1
- A
- A
- B
- C
- B
- A
Part C – Extract 2
- C
- B
- B
- C
- A
- C