Part B 07
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Exercise 2
- 大きな課題は人生の早い段階である個人の特定の遺伝子異常が、がんの発症につながるかどうかを特定することです。
Exercise 3
- B. altering cell structure of pathogens
Doctor: | The idea here is to take those cells out of her body or patients’ bodies and reprogram them.
That’s the term for gene editing: reprogram those cells to identify cancer, put them back into the body in much larger quantities, so that the army has expanded and then see if that can fight the cancer. It’s been an early story over the last couple of years, but the early results are quite promising in leukemia and lymphoma. We’ve seen a couple of years ago in melanoma and studies are now getting started in other cancers like ovarian cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer – very exciting story. We at our center in Nashville just six days ago, opened a trial in the community for patients with lymphoma – so very exciting time. Well, we’ve always known that there’s a genetic link to a number of cancers. The big struggle is identifying whether a particular genetic abnormality in an individual, say, at an early point in their life, is going to lead to the development of cancer. So we know for several cancers there’s a high risk with certain genes, I guess. The one that has caught a lot of attention over the last several years has been what’s called the BRAC, or BRC, genetic alterations that lead to an increased risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. So, understanding more correlations like that if you have this genetic abnormality at birth or later in life, is that going to lead to the development of cancer. A lot of work still in that area, we’re learning it’s a combination of those genetic risks and probably environmental risks as well. So it may not just be one thing that leads to the development of cancer for the majority of people. |