Part B 02
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Exercise 2
- (1) 看護師は帰宅(退院)するために必要な全ての情報を調べます。多くの場合、親族も同席してもらい一緒にその情報を聞きます。
- (2) 薬剤師は錠剤について話し、副作用、つまり錠剤に関する問題点を説明し、いつ服用するかもしっかりと説明します。
Exercise 3
- B
BとCは共にに言及されているので「what role is the most crucial for physiotherapists:理学療法士にとって最も重要な役割」という設問により適した選択肢を選ぶ必要がある。
音声では「It’s really important for the patients to get up and mobilize around:患者が起き上がって動けるようになることはとても重要なことだ」と述べており、Bの方がより役割としての重要度が高いことが分かるのでBが正解。
Nurse: | As a hospital discharge meeting, the patient would meet with the nurse, the physiotherapist and the pharmacist on the ward.
The nurse would go through all the information the patient would need to go home and often relatives are invited to come along and to listen to the information as well. And the nurse would talk about managing wounds at home, and looking after the wounds, making sure they remain clean and dry, and looking out for signs of infection – for example, redness or swelling, or if the wounds become oozy. And if anything of those happens, the nurse would advise the patient to go and see their GP straight away. The nurse would also talk about the rehabilitation process and will include information about dietary concerns, exercise, and smoking cessation if the patients are still smoking. The physiotherapist would talk about exercises the patient needs to do following the surgery. It’s really important for the patients to get up and mobilize around. And the physiotherapist would give some exercises for the patient to do every day and would encourage the patient to walk as much as possible and build up the walking and time each day with their relatives. The pharmacist would talk about the tablets that the patient is going to be on following their surgery. Often tablets change while the patient is in surgery. And the pharmacist would talk about the tablets, explain the side effects, any issues related to those tablets and well-explain when to take the tablets as well. And those tablets normally would be reviewed in the outpatient clinic, post cardiac surgery and to see if they are still needed. |