タスク2で重要なポイントは、読み手に理解されやすい文章を構成することです。読みやすい文章を展開することで、評価観点の1つである “Coherence & Cohesion ” をカバーすること可能です。
基本的に、「導入 → ボディ→ 結論」の流れで主張を展開していくことがエッセイの基本です。タスク1とは異なり、結論のパラグラフが必要になります。
- The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think, and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.
- To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
段落1 導入
- センテンス1. 設問のパラフレーズ
- センテンス2. 主張
パラフレーズに続いて、設問に対する自分のポジションを明確に表現します。この部分は、”thesis statement” と言われる部分でライティングで最も重要なセンテンスになります。
- パラフレーズ:
- It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people.
- 主張:
- While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.
段落2&3 ボディ
- 主張/アイデア:
- On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less relevant for younger people.
- 具体例:
- In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own choices about who and when to marry.
- 主張の再定義:
- But perhaps the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles.
- 理由:
- The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.
段落4 結論
- In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.
- 導入:
- It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.
- ボディ1:
- On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.
- ボディ2:
- On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these behaviors can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners. In our globalized world, young adults can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’ sense of community and neighborliness.
- 結論
- In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.